This year we've decided to do a "Home-made & Heart-felt" Christmas.
Most of the people I know are like us... in major budget mode. And this year I really wasn't prepared to stress about how many people we have to buy gifts for, what to buy them, or how much crazy bucks would've been spent.
The goal is to have as many gifts as we can...made or found (thrifted) ;)
I've started with L'bug's presents - and because I know that she's too young to understand how to use our computer - showing you guys pictures isn't going to ruin her surprise!
I wanted to make her a collection of something so that we could practice counting. And as I was surfing online I came across these awesome fabric birds! I made 10 of them with random scraps of various fabrics I had lying around.
The blog that has some great photos of them is Spool Sewing - they also have the pattern you can download (for free!)
The next gift I made was so easy and quick!
I crocheted little puffer fish and put magnets inside them so L'bug can have fun fishing!