Ok - so I will admit that I have been negligent of my blog since I've been back
from vacation. However, I have been sewing and crafting - It's just that most of my works
have been gifts for friends (upcoming baby gifts / welcome to the world gifts)
as well as hostess gifts for my baby shower...
Little did I know that my absence was being noticed *lol*
A good friend of mine, MW, told me earlier today that I needed to update.
So I got to work and here are some of the newest pieces!
These first pictures are of baby burping rags. When I was at my mom's house a couple of
weeks ago she showed me this burping cloth that was shaped like an hour glass.
She said that when I was born they were very popular because they fit over the shoulder
much better than a square or rectangled one. I looked high and low at the stores when I was
registering for baby gifts and didn't find them anywhere - so - I made my own!
because it's from an old t-shirt of mine and very very soft :)

I have also recently learned to silk screen using wax paper! It's so easy and it allows me to
make up my own designs. The traditional pink and blue onesies are nice and all, but
I'd much rather dress L-bug up in something a little bit more creative :)
Domo Origato Mr. Robato!
The HourGlass Burp Rags are $ 3.00 and the HandPainted Onesies are priced depending on the design - As most of you already know - If you'd like any of these things feel free to email me at